Trailer: Into the mind

”Into the Mind” blur the lines between dream state and reality, as you perceive the world through the minds of many. Into the Mind contemplates the experiences passed between mentors and peers to paint a philosophical portrait of human kind.

What drives us to overcome challenge? How do we justify risk? What forces are at the core of a mountain addiction? Unique athlete segments over a multitude of mountain sport genres depict the connectivity of Earth, and window into never-seen-before moments.

Explore how we begin our perception of self, construct the foundations of confidence, and are ultimately led up the path of self-actualization. As Buddha once said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Into The Mind is about becoming.

Coming fall 2013

Genre: Documentary
Official Site:
Director: Dave Mossop, Eric Crosland
Cast: Callum Pettit, Kye Petersen, JP Auclair, Tom Wallisch, Rory Bushfield, Eric Hjorleifson, Austin Ross, Kris Erickson, Johnny Collinson, Xavier De La Rue

About Stig Björne

Stig Björne bor i Sverige och ibland utomlands. Han jobbar inom IT och PR som anställd. Stig har fru (Annika) och ett barn, spelar golf och hänger på landstället nära havet så ofta han kan.