Jack Reacher – Tom Cruises roll utreder brott

Stig BjörneA homicide investigator Jack Reacher digs deeper into a case, where a sniper takes five lives with six shots, all evidence points to a suspect in custody. The case involves a trained military. On interrogation, the suspect offers up a single note: ”Get Jack Reacher!” So begins an extraordinary chase for the truth, pitting Jack Reacher against an unexpected enemy, with a skill for violence and a secret to keep.

In theaters: December 21, 2012

Genre: Thriller

Director: Christopher McQuarrie

Cast: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, Werner Herzog, David Oyelowo, Robert Duvall

Writers: Christopher McQuarrie

Run Time: 131 minutes

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Stig Björne

About Stig Björne

Stig Björne bor i Sverige och ibland utomlands. Han jobbar inom IT och PR som anställd. Stig har fru (Annika) och ett barn, spelar golf och hänger på landstället nära havet så ofta han kan.