Nyamuragira volcano in Congo erupts

Vulcano in Congo, 2011 A volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo – Mount Nyamulagira – could keep erupting for months. Betty Nguyen reports.

A spectacular fire show started last night when Nyamuragira volcano (Nyamulagira) began an eruption that happens about every two years. The eruption could be seen clearly from park headquarters – probably the best view you could ask for. It appears that the eruption is not happening on the volcano itself, but on the side and lower to the ground. We’ll fill you in on details once we have them.

This is NOT the volcano that tourists hike to see the lava lake, but a far more active volcano just to the north. Most of the lava flows north into an area where no one lives, so it shouldn’t bring harm to people or wildlife as the flow is moving slowly.


Stig Björne

About Stig Björne

Stig Björne bor i Sverige och ibland utomlands. Han jobbar inom IT och PR som anställd. Stig har fru (Annika) och ett barn, spelar golf och hänger på landstället nära havet så ofta han kan.