Travel and visit the world’s biggest hotel and the world’s oldest

World's oldest hotelThe First World Hotel in what Many describe as the Las Vegas of Malaysia is the largest hotel in The World According to Guinness World Records. Computing speed 6.118 rooms, and was completed in 2005 and now stands as a multi-colored, giant lego brick-like structure an hour from Kuala Lumpur. With a tropical jungle in the hotel’s entrance as well as 10 restaurants, this is a hotel That Does not do small.

Text translated with Google Translate thus grammatical errors.

The picture to the right shows world’s oldest hotel, Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Yamanashi, Japan. It was built year after 705 Christ.

Read more: Guinness World Records 2012: Travel records

CNN lists 22 wacky world that has to do with the substance travels. Everything from the largest collection of spypåsar [puke bags?] to the highest hotel is among the records. Perhaps the craziest record held by a woman who managed to jump into a suitcase of just over 5 seconds, and also turn the bag inside. The most prestigious record must still be world’s oldest hotel, Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Yamanashi, Japan. The hotel has been run since the year 705 AD.

Stig Björne


CNN: 22 travel world records

About Stig Björne

Stig Björne bor i Sverige och ibland utomlands. Han jobbar inom IT och PR som anställd. Stig har fru (Annika) och ett barn, spelar golf och hänger på landstället nära havet så ofta han kan.