Marzieh Vafamehr brings to mind two films about stoning

When I read that the Iranian actress Marzieh Vafamehr sentenced to one year in prison and 90 lashes after being involved in the documentary ”My Tehran for Sale” is reminiscent of two films about oppression of women in the Middle East: the movie ”The Stoning of Soraya” (with blah Jim Caviezel and Shohreh Aghdashloo) and the lesser known film called ”The Stoning”” with Cheyenne Rushing [köpfilm]. See also the film’s website.

”My Tehran for Sale” tells of how the authorities will stop her theater activities and forces her to go underground to continue expressing themselves. The film should have spread illegally in the country of receipt of the display ban.

Text translated with Google Translate thus grammatical errors.

Stig Björne

About Stig Björne

Stig Björne bor i Sverige och ibland utomlands. Han jobbar inom IT och PR som anställd. Stig har fru (Annika) och ett barn, spelar golf och hänger på landstället nära havet så ofta han kan.